Sunday, May 18, 2014

Nutritional Response Testing

What is NRT?? I like you bad no idea what the heck it was... I would have never walked into a chiropractors  office for the life of me. Come on!!! However, I was desperate and I had been dizzy and nauseous for weeks and I had not idea what was causing it.
My co-worker suggested I go with her to a homeopath, I went. Since I had no idea what I was doing I didn't go in with any preconceived notions.

I went in to get these "NET" testings and then the muscle testing....  The NET testing measured things like if I was alkaline or base. Or how much water I was retaining. I had to swirl a liquid in my mouth and let them know if it tasted like anything. My calve's blood pressure was taken. Ok, I have no idea what those things mean or if I am even remembering them correctly. It was totally different then anything I had ever experienced.  I finally got to see the practitioner here is is where it gets weird. I put one hand on vials filled with common triggers like wheat or dairy. With my other arm sticking out the practitioner would see if I was sensitive to a specific trigger. (Yes, I know this isn't technical. You can always read what Wikipedia has to say but here is much more detailed realistic outline of what it is Nutritional Response Testing.)

OK BORING!!!! What did this quackery do for me that now I feel the urge to write about it? The practitioner tells me on my first visit that my body hates milk and that I need to stop drinking milk. My body is not the only thing that hates milk, so do I!  I tell Susana, the practitioner, that I don't drink milk and that what she says doesn't make sense. OH wait!  I remember I had been having a grande latte everyday for 2 weeks-- when the nausea and dizziness started.  So I stopped drinking the lattes and in a matter of a few days the symptoms were gone 100% gone.  I start to believe in what Susana has to say.  This might not be quackery after all.
If you are in SoCal and specifically near the Los Angeles area go check these people out. No, I am not getting paid Dr. Thropay's.

It does get better from here, too

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